Download have any ai passed the turing test
Download have any ai passed the turing test

Earlier this year, he and his coworkers reported that they had created a soft silicone polymer that, when heated close to body temperature with sub-surface electronic heaters, closely resembled real skin. To this end, mechanical engineer John-John Cabibihan at Qatar University and his colleagues are creating materials that look and feel indistinguishable from human skin. Our current motivation is a little different: We know that prosthetic limbs that can pass for the real thing may lessen the psychological and emotional impact that wearers report. Consider the line: “you are a sweet-smelling diamond architecture”. Some say that computer poetry has passed the test too, though one can’t help thinking that this says more about the discernment of the judges.

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“We would have obtained similar results by flipping coins.” “The computer piece raises the same feelings and emotions as the human one, and participants can’t distinguish them”, says Vico. Iamus’s developer Francisco Vico of the University of Malaga and his colleagues carried out a kind of Turing Test by asking 250 subjects – half of them professional musicians – to listen to one of Iamus’s compositions and music in a comparable style by human composers, and decide which is which. There is now a music-composing computer called Iamus, which produces work sophisticated enough to be deemed worthy of attention by professional musicians.

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What about something more creative and ineffable, like music? Machines can fool us there too. And we now have algorithms that are all but invincible (in the long term) for bluffing games like poker – although this turns out to be less psychological than you might think, and more a matter of hard maths.

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After Deep Blue’s victory over World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov in 1997, we have clearly crossed that particular threshold. To rival or surpass human cognitive powers in something more sophisticated than mere number-crunching, Turing thought that chess might be a good place to start – a game that seems to be characterised by strategic thinking, perhaps even invention.

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